Reason 3.1.0 Released


Suggestion for add dates to version numbers, turn issue/pull request numbers into links (automated via a regex?)


Awesome, btw is vscode-reasonml coordinated with this release? I mean will it understand and highlight the new syntaxes?


Itā€™s not; is it badly affected by it?


Actually I havenā€™t tried it, was just checking :slight_smile: Iā€™ll try it out this weekend and report back.


Inline comment is current broken.


@rauschma links now added. @thangngoc89 feel free to discuss in PM


New pipe sugar allows inserting argument at arbitrary position: [1, 2, 3] |> map(, a => a + 1) |> keep(, a => a === 2). Basically ES2030.

This example is not very clear. Not being an expert, I feel lost. Why is this significantā€¦ Why ES2030?




Thanks for the excellent work, I am loving everything I do with Reason more than any other programming language (the professor of my cryptology class was even kind enough to allow me to use Reason for our assignments which has been fantastic). The let%extension and new pipeline syntax are super exciting :grinning:
Will 3.1.0 get an OPAM release?


Hi @gandulio We just need to clean up and fix some of the release scripts in the Reason repo since we refactored rtop into its own package. Help is appreciated.


Thanks for the hard work! Super excited about the new pipe syntax and trailing commas.

On a related note, could someone enlighten me what the ā€œlet%foo extension sugarā€ is about?


ITā€™s a sugar syntax for ppx let


Have you tried it so far btw?


No. But I already see the impact on my current code


[%raw "foo.js"];


%raw "foo.js";


@jordwalke Any suggestions for where to start with the release scripts? I may be able to offer a little help.


Iā€™m finding a lot of syntax weirdness with VSCode. It will often say my code is incorrect even when it compiles fine, and syntax highlighting can get weird in places.

Is there a timeline for when it will be updated to the new syntax changes?

edit: I can provide more details on the weirdness tomorrow if needed.


You might be seeing error messages from a slightly older version of Merlin? Can you check if you upgraded to the latest version of reason-cli?


Forgot to upgrade reason-cli, so I did that now.

Iā€™m still getting weird syntax errors:

It compiles fine, and seems to infer types correctly, but there (and in other spots) is giving me a [merlin] Uninterpreted extension 'bs.obj'. error. It also doesnā€™t highlight syntax within the module correctly.


Reason 3.1.0 requires bs-platform@2.2.2 . Do you have the correct version?


bs-platform is at 2.2.2