Anyone updating the ReasonML website


I noticed that the last post on the website’s blog was from a year ago. Anyone updating that?


I agree, it makes Reason look like a dead project.


The blog has historically not been very active. The core Reason project tends to move at a slower pace because there aren’t that many people in it. Contributions always welcome though, and as you can see there is a steady stream of activity in terms of merged PRs.


Oh absolutely. This forum is active, the repos are all active. The project is absolutely alive. But for example, if you do a search for ReasonML in either Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo, you get, which is active on the homepage, but the blog lies fallow. I would happily update the blog if I knew where.


I guess the blog doesn’t have high SEO for various reasons. You could try to contribute here


Sorry to bump an old topic, but I totally agree that a blog that hasn’t been updated for 2 years doesn’t look good.

I think there should be someone assigned that likes to write and promote the reasonml project & its ecosystem. There has been plenty of activity on discord and there are even some active podcasts (reasontown for example). Other upcoming languages often have a “X Weekly” blog, we should at least be able to post something new, a summary of some kind, every couple of months.

More adoption of reasonml is in the best interest for building a solid ecosystem & the continuation of the project. If having an active blog can help with that in any way, it is definitely worth the efforts to write something every couple of months.

Just my two cents


i think they are working on instead


oh nice, good to see that the community is putting effort in this!