Bsb -w seems to freeze in bs-platform@2.2.2




Recently updated bs-platform to 2.2.2, and now bsb -w (as well as bsb -make-world -w) seems to stop working:

C:\Code\ReasonML\cra-test> bsb -init my-new-project -theme basic-reason
Making directory my-new-project
Symlink bs-platform in C:\Code\ReasonML\cra-test\my-new-project
C:\Code\ReasonML\cra-test\my-new-project\node_modules\bs-platform -> C:\Users\ayarovoy\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bs-platform
PS C:\Code\ReasonML\cra-test> cd .\my-new-project\
PS C:\Code\ReasonML\cra-test\my-new-project> bsb -clean-world
Cleaning... 3 files.
PS C:\Code\ReasonML\cra-test\my-new-project> bsb -make-world
ninja: Entering directory `lib\bs'
[3/3] ←[34mBuilding←[39m ←[2msrc\Demo.mlast.d←[22m
[1/1] ←[34mBuilding←[39m ←[2msrc\Demo-MyNewProject.cmj←[22m
PS C:\Code\ReasonML\cra-test\my-new-project> bsb -w
>>>> Start compiling
Rebuilding since just get started

And it stacks after that.

I’ve checked with version 2.2.0 - same result. But version 2.1.0 works like a charm.

I’m new to reasonml, so don’t even know where to look for logs or something which could add any information.


Hey! Can you file an issue on github please?


Sure, will do. Decided to try here first, as maybe I’m doing something wrong.


Sorry, just to confirm, from the above snippet I’m not seeing an error. Does bsb fail to rebuild the project when you make a change in the source code? You can test by opening the source and the output JS files side-by-side and visually looking for changes. Bsb is so fast that sometimes it’s easy to miss that it’s actually finished recompiling.


Just checked again, for this case “bsb -make-world” correctly recompiles js file. But if I run “bsb -w” or “bsb -make-world -w” and after that change .re file, .bs.js stays the same (as well as no changes in browser).

And in version 2.1.0 I immediately after chenging .re file saw something happening in console (and saw changes in bs.js, and in browser). I did the upgrading-downgrading several times for my other test project to confirm the issue.

And I carefully checked that I’m upgrading-downgrading global bsb installation as well as npm link bs-config.

But bsb is really extremely fast, that is one of the reasons I’m considering it for our next project.


I understand that it might be some windows related issue, and reasonml is not really supported for windows. But 2.1.0 works well.


Ah, I see, yeah it’s possible that 2.2.2 has had a regression on Windows. I’ll try to check it out. There may already be a GitHub issue filed for this.

Edit: ah, I see you filed it, cool.


I think we had encountered that issue and had a “fix” for it which basically reverted another fix:

Y’all should read the thread, not sure how to fix both issues haha