Bundle javascript files that are inside source while compiling reason files to lib/js


Hi, I was checking out the standard react-hooks template, which contains a rather helpful ReactUsingJSUsingReason example.

The default bs-config places the compiled react code in the src tree, which I feel is rather annoying. So, I made the .bs.js files getting generated in the lib/js folder. The problem there is that I cannot seem to have the ReactJSCard.js bundled when running (and I needed to start using a bundler like webpack as the standard moduleserv does not seem to play nice with the .bs.js files getting generated to lib/js).

Does this need to be solved through webpack? Or might there be some bsconfig option that also moves the js files to lib/js during make? The error message is
"Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘./ReactJSCard’" by the way.