I am trying to use my VSCODE liver server: vscode-live-server for development without having to run a (parceljs would be my favorite, since it has hot loading, but it is having issues with reasonml).
This almost works, but the the bucklescript compiler expects that the the node-modules to be on the path, and it appears bundlers find them, but not if one does a load this way:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset=utf-8>
<link rel=stylesheet href="./style.css">
<title>Web Data Client</title>
<script src="../src/client/App.bs.js" type=module></script>
<div id="index"></div>
This is the error I get:
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "bs-platform/lib/es6/array.js". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".
which is to be expected since BSB created this in
import * as $$Array from "bs-platform/lib/es6/array.js";
import * as Block from "bs-platform/lib/es6/block.js";
import * as Curry from "bs-platform/lib/es6/curry.js";
import * as React from "react";
import * as Glamor from "bs-glamor/src/glamor.js";
import * as Js_exn from "bs-platform/lib/es6/js_exn.js";
import * as Js_dict from "bs-platform/lib/es6/js_dict.js";
import * as Js_json from "bs-platform/lib/es6/js_json.js";
import * as ReactDOMRe from "reason-react/src/ReactDOMRe.js";
import * as Caml_option from "bs-platform/lib/es6/caml_option.js";
import * as ReasonReact from "reason-react/src/ReasonReact.js";
import * as Editor$Webdataclient from "./Editor.bs.js";
import * as Loader$Webdataclient from "./Loader.bs.js";
import * as Mutations$Webdataclient from "./Mutations.bs.js";
now if the imports had were from the …/node-modules/* folder, I think all would work
bsconfig.json file:
// This is the configuration file used by BuckleScript's build system bsb.
// Its documentation lives here: http://bucklescript.github.io/bucklescript/docson/#build-schema.json
"name": "webdataclient",
"version": "0.1.0",
"sources": [
"dir": "src",
"subdirs": true
"package-specs": {
"module": "es6",
"in-source": true
"suffix": ".bs.js",
"namespace": true,
"reason": {
"react-jsx": 2
"refmt": 3,
"ppx-flags": [
"bs-dependencies": [
Maybe I could use this shim: