Code Review on Promise Implementation


Hey folks, I have this working code that I would love to get right. I feel like I could have done all this with a something much simpler.

The purpose is to get back a jwtToken and pass to another function. Here a auth client, obviously. Any feedback would be appreciated.

type idTokenT = {
} and idToken = {jwtToken: string};

module Decode = {
  type t = idTokenT;
  let decodeJwt = json => Json.Decode.{jwtToken: json |> field("jwtToken",string)}
  let decodeToken = json => Json.Decode.{
        idToken: json |> field("idToken", decodeJwt)
  let decodeResponse = json => decodeToken(json);
  let response = (json: string) : Belt.Result.t(t, string) =>
    try (json |> Json.parseOrRaise |> decodeResponse |> (u => Belt.Result.Ok(u))) {
    | Json.Decode.DecodeError(decodeError) => Belt.Result.Error(decodeError)
    | e => Belt.Result.Error(e |> Js.String.make)

type auth;
[@bs.module "@aws-amplify/auth/lib"] external auth: auth = "default";
[@bs.send] external getCurrentSession:(auth,unit)=> Js.Promise.t('a) = "currentSession";

let getJwtToken = () => {
    open PromiseMonad;
    >>= (response => {
        let jwtToken = Decode.response(response);
// >>| (err => {
//     let errMsg = err |> Js.Json.stringifyAny |> Js.Option.getWithDefault("");
//     Js.log2("Failure!!", err);
//     return(err)
//   });


I would recommend starting simple. From what I can tell, you’re trying to do something like :

import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';

  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));

The Reason equivalent should look like this:

let _ = ()
  |> AwsAmplify.Auth.currentSession
  |> Js.Promise.then_(data =>
    data |> Js.log |> Js.Promise.resolve)
  |> Js.Promise.catch(error =>
    error |> Js.log |> Js.Promise.resolve);

The main binding you should write is currentSession. From the above documentation, that returns a CognitoUserSession object promise. The binding should look like this:

module CognitoUserSession = {
  type t = {.
    "accessToken": string, /* I'm guessing these are all strings */
    "idToken": string,
    "refreshToken": string,

module AwsAmplify = {
  module Auth = {
    [@bs.module "aws-amplify"] [@bs.scope "Auth"]
    external currentSession: unit => Js.Promise.t(CognitoUserSession.t) = "";

I don’t think you need to be dealing with JSON decoding here because you’re actually using an Amazon SDK which wraps all that and gives you JavaScript objects to work with.


So many good things in here: code style, use of modules and type t. Will be back with feed back. Thank you for taking the time, brother.


This is what I have come up with which works. I have two questions.

  1. I go this to work by passing Js.Json.t instead of the CognitoUserSession.t type. How do I get this work passing CognitoUserSession.t?

  2. In the AwsAppsyncClient, I have to change the type on the token to string to get it to go. I understand that I am not getting a proper string back but my toString function feels like a hack. Is there a different/better way to do this?

The CognitoUserSession type is:

module CognitoUserSession = {
  type t = {
    "accessToken": string, /* I'm guessing these are all strings */
    "idToken": idToken,
    "refreshToken": token,
  and idToken = {. "jwtToken": string}
  and token = {. "token": string};

This is the full response object gist

This is how I was able to get the value I needed:

module Decode = {
  let decodeJwt = json =>
    Json.Decode.{"jwtToken": json |> field("jwtToken", string)};
  let decodeToken = json =>
    Json.Decode.{"token": json |> field("token", string)};
  let decodeSession = json =>
      "idToken": json |> field("idToken", decodeJwt),
      "accessToken": json |> field("accessToken", decodeJwt),
      "refreshToken": json |> field("refreshToken", decodeToken),
let getJwtToken = () => {
    >>= (
      json => {
        Js.log2("RESPONSE_VALUE_TOKEN_AMPLIFY", json);

        let session = Decode.decodeSession(json);
        let jwtToken = session##idToken##jwtToken;

        // Js.log2("RESPONSE_VALUE_jwtToken_AMPLIFY", jwtToken);


In addition to the two questions, please feel free to get as didactic as you want without regard to my feelings or sensitivities! Your feedback/mentoring is greatly appreciated, my brother.

This is my non working attempt at trying to pass the CognitoUserSession.t:gist


So this, using Belt.Option cuts the code size way down and works but why I am mad that I am not using the CognitoUserSession.t type? Is that a problem?

module Auth = {
  [@bs.module "aws-amplify"] [@bs.scope "Auth"]
  // external currentSession: unit => Js.Promise.t(CognitoUserSession.t) = "";
  external currentSession: unit => Js.Promise.t(Js.t('a)) = "";

  external currentCredentials: unit => Js.Promise.t(Js.Json.t) = "";

let getJwtToken = () => {
    >>= (
      json => {
        open Belt.Option;
        let jwtToken =
          ->flatMap(idToken => idToken##jwtToken)
