Force to render in the callback of promise


Hi all
I have the following component, that do in the didMount lifecycle fetch data from server.

let make = (~server: CoinsType.coinsServer, ~url: string, _children) => {
  didMount: _self => {
    |> Js.Promise.then_(value => {
      Js.Promise.resolve(ReasonReact.Update({coins: value}));
  initialState: () => {coins: [||]},
  reducer: (action, _state) => 
    switch (action) {
    | Fetch => ReasonReact.NoUpdate;
  render: self => {
     <DashboardView coins={self.state.coins}/>

The DashboardView component did not get the value from new set value in the didMount lifecycle.
The question is, how to force to re-render component, that theDashboardView component will receive the value.


Don’t really know ReasonReact, but it looks like you’re not updating your state in the reducer.

Here is an example of an async fetch action which may be helpful:


It works like a charm.
Thanks a lot @ncthbrt.


Don’t forget to note that the example ncthbrrt shared used self.send() in the didMount. Without the self.send() the component won’t reflect any changes to state that you’ve made.