Genomics healthcare company looking for ReasonML contractor


Hi all. We are looking for a part-time ReasonML developer. Almost all of our code is OCaml, and we have ported one-third of our JavaScript front-end to ReasonML. We want to go all in now, and make it 100% Reason. Open to conversations with people of any experience level located anywhere in the world. We are based in New York City and San Francisco and have built a data science platform to tackle some of the toughest problems in health care. Learn more about us here:


Interesting you mentioned that you are looking to convert your codebase from ocaml to reasonml 100%. Is this just for frontend? Or the whole stack


The rest of our stack is already all OCaml.



I can help.

Reach me at skype: cid.52caceaa56239236




@bikallem Just realized I misread your message. We want to convert all of our JavaScript code to Reason, not our OCaml code. Since Reason is OCaml, I can’t think of much involved in converting OCaml to Reason other than the concrete syntax.

If that’s what you were asking, we’re double minded about it. One the one hand, our team is very experienced and comfortable with OCaml syntax. On the other hand, we are using Reason syntax for our front-end code, so now we are using two syntaxes for the same language in the same team. This seems kind of pointless and causes mental and tooling overhead. We’ve talked about simply converting all of our ml/mli files to re/rei, but haven’t done so yet.