Get started with Reason video course


Couple days ago my Egghead video course on Reason was launched:

The course is a community resource and will stay free. I will try my best to keep it updated.


Thx alot @nikgraf for this effort and making it free !


Thank you for creating this course!


@nikgraf thanks for your effort. Course is not free though. 9 out of 22 videos are. The rest requires PRO egghead account.


That was either a bug or missunderstanding. We fixed it yesterday and now all lessons are free again. Sorry for the confusion.


Random thought. If the idea of it being free is to make sure folks can access and learn, might as well make the learning experience smooth. For example, free on Egghead means no speed control on the video. For someone learning from jump, or even been at it for a while, slowing down or speeding up the video, removes a lot of friction while consuming the material.

Peace to you and thank you for doing this work, brother. And congrats on a successful ReasonConf!


Don’t know if you are looking for feedback here but here it comes anyway!

In rtop, creating the switch apparently requires you going to the next line. Worth noting for rookies the next time. I’ve been avoiding rtop and had to try a few time like below.

Reason # let lamp = switch(1) {|0 => "off" |1 => "on"};

Reason # let lamp =
switch (1){| 0 => "off" | 1 => "on"};

Reason # let lamp =
 switch (1) {
| 0 => "off"
| 1 => "on"
Characters 12-51:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
let lamp: string = "on";
Reason #



Lesson 10 and up still labeled as PRO. FYI


Oha! Didn’t know about the speed control. I just asked if they can add it for community resources as well … I hope I can convince them! An alternative could be Youtube, but ideally I can keep the lessons there for free with all the features since if people with a pro account watch it I get a bit of money. That helps to do less consulting work and spend more time on producing more.

That’s the 2nd time then that it jumps back to pro. Just pinged them again. Must be some kind of bug …

Thanks for all the feedback @idkjs


Yeah, man, keep it on egghead if you can. Just work through getting the experience right.

So videos 10 and up not showing PRO anymore:

But clicking through link still requires PRO:


almost there: no paywall but videos still dont come up on Firefox or Chrome.


Now it’s fixed :slight_smile:


I confirm. Your voice sounds like Eckhart Tolle’s voice on his audio books. I hope to feel similarly enlightened after your course.

Thanks, again, for taking the time to share what you know.

Peace to you.


thanks so much for the course nikgraf! (especially making it available for free :+1: )