Handling nested logic/switch statements



Since learning functional programming I’ve been stumped about how to properly handle nested logic cases. Take the following example: I’m coding a quiz. After the user clicks a possible answer, I update the elements to add classes indicating correctness:

// While looping over possible answers

let className = "question__answer " ++ (switch (selectedAnswer) {
  // If no answer has been selected yet, we don't need to add extra classes
    | None => ""
    | Some(selectedAnswerValue) => {
      // If this is the correct answer, add the corresponding class
      if (answer.correct) {
      } else {
        // Only add the "failure" class if this was the selected answer
        if (selectedAnswerValue.text == answer.text) {
        } else {

I know I’m doing it wrong. This is anything but concise and clear code and the compiler says there’s a syntax error. What is the alternative?



The syntax error is from the end-of-line comments, which isn’t a thing in Reason. The only kind of comment in Reason is the block kind: /* comment */.

Other than that, I don’t think this looks all that terrible given the shape of the data. One minor improvement you could do is use else if instead of a nested if ... else block:

let className = "question__answer " ++ (switch (selectedAnswer) {
    | None => ""
    | Some(selectedAnswerValue) => {
      if (answer.correct) {
      } else if (selectedAnswerValue.text == answer.text) {
      } else {

And going a bit further, you can skip the if-expression entirely and use guards instead:

let className = "question__answer " ++ (switch (selectedAnswer) {
    | Some(selectedAnswerValue) when answer.correct =>
    | Some(selectedAnswerValue) when selectedAnswerValue.text == answer.text =>
    | _ =>


I added the comments in after the fact, the compiler errors without them.


It compiled fine for me just without the comments. Perhaps there’s something else that errors?

Edit: By fine I mean without syntax errors. There are of course unbound variable names and such.


I’ll try to use your guards example, it looks great. I’m not sure where my compiler error came from, it said the error was in that block, and it was a syntax error. Thanks for the directions!


I had to modify the logic a bit, going to post it here just in case someone might find it useful in the future:

let className = "question__answer " ++ (switch (selectedAnswer) {
  | Some(_selectedAnswerValue) when answer.correct =>
  | Some(selectedAnswerValue) when selectedAnswerValue.text == answer.text && !answer.correct =>
  | _ =>

Thanks again @glennsl

Edit: Actually, after looking at the generated JS, I’ve noticed the && !answer.correct isn’t needed. The whole switch is compiled down to nested ternary operators, meaning the first answer.correct check is enough.


There is a nice utility library called Belt that can probably help you out here. Pseudo code below:

let className = "question_answer " ++ Belt.Option.(
  flatMap(selectedAnswer, a => a.correct === true 
    ? Some("question__answer_correct") 
    : Some("question__answer_incorrect")


End-of-line comments were added in Reason 3.4.0, January and BuckleScript synced up with that pretty quickly.


Oh, cool. Doesn’t seem to work in the playground though.