How are you handling CSS and Reason?



How is everyone here handling styling in their ReasonReact apps? I’m working on a new way to do styling in JS and Reason, and wanted to get some input on everyone’s current workflows :slight_smile:

Also if anyone wants an early demo of my new styling tool, DM me on Twitter! (@_rrdelaney)


I’ve been using bs-glamor, which is nice! If you like glamor or emotion you’ll find yourself right at home. I’m really intrigued by bs-css though. Having typed css feels really great.


bs-css are bindings for glamor as well :slight_smile:


Is there anything for emotion available. I got burned from the glamorous deprecation and the recommendation was to move towards emotion.


Getting OT but I suppose it should be easy enough to port bs-css to use emotion. It has pretty much the same api as glamor (I think it’s actually a fork).


I think I’m a heathen sinner, but I use css. Like…stylesheets.


I’m also using CSS :grin: I require .scss files with Parcel currently