How can I require a image without using [%raw ]

let src : string = [%raw "require('./img/img.png')"];
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Header");

let make = (_children) => {
  render: self =>
      <img src=(src) />

the code works but it would be great if I can do the first line without using [%raw "..."]

I’ve tried to look for that information and unfortunately, I couldn’t find any yet.

Does any know how to do it?

FYI, also How to import svg file? didn’t work for me


Try it

external src : string = "./img/img.png";
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Header");

let make = (_children) => {
  render: self =>
      <img src=(src) />

[@bs.val] external require: string => unit = "";

Including a directory with many images in ReasonReact

@aria Thanks! But string => unit should be string => string` in my case


@maarekj Thanks!
How can I require a image without using [%raw ] works well.
one very minor issue is that bsb change its name to something like ImgPng instead of keeping src in compiled JS code which you can check it here:

