How to create js template literals in ReasonML/BS



Hi Folks. Does anyone know how to generate and populate a js template literal from Reason or Bs? For example:

let view state = 
   [%magic  `<div>${}</div>` %]

I can use raw tags to create a template literal, but I don’t see any direct way to populate the variable fields.

 [%raw {| `<div>${}</div>` |}]

Has anyone attempted this before? Any help is appreciated!


Try it

    let f = fun%raw (state) => "`<div>${}</div>`";

More info here


Well, there it is :smile: . Thanks!


You could use Quoted strings

let world = {js|世界|js}; /* Supports Unicode characters */
let helloWorld = {j|你好,$world|j}; /* Supports Unicode and interpolation variables */