Js.log messages not showing in console



Hi all,

I’m new to reasonml and trying out reasonreact. I’m having a weird issue where none of the log messages show in console.

I tried using both Js.log("hello") and also %bs.raw {| console.log('hello') |} and also tried using bs-log %log.info "hello". But nothing seems to work. No console log messages are printed to the console.
Checked in chrome as well as in safari.

Everything compiles as it should.

help pls :pray:


Sorry guys :see_no_evil: I had a problem with not actually calling the component.


No worries, glad you figured it out :sunglasses:


Try this :-
Make sure you have the console showing and that it is showing “All”.

The cursor is on the button to hide/show the console.

In newer versions of Chrome, you need to click the filter icon, then make sure “All” is selected.

Hope this helps you.