Parameter types for function parameter, labels in tuples?


A) I’ve been learning Reason for the last two months, so I’m almost certainly just being dumb here. B) The context is PR #35 on reductive, in which I’m trying to add something akin to a lens (a la react-redux).

let lensedComponent =
      make:  /* line 111 */
        (~state: 'lensed, ~dispatch: 'action => unit, array(ReasonReact.reactElement)) =>
        ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c),
      get: 'state => 'lensed,
      ~state: 'state,
      ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
      children: array(ReasonReact.reactElement),
    : ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c) => {
  let state: 'lensed = get(state);
  let baseComponent = make(~state, ~dispatch, children);
    ReasonReact.retainedProps: state,
          oldSelf: {retainedProps: oldState},
          newSelf: {retainedProps: newState},
        } as total,
      ) =>
      oldState === newState ?
        false : baseComponent.ReasonReact.shouldUpdate(total),

The 4.0.7 compiler does not like the labels on the parameters in the type signature of the make argument.

File "/Users/nfiedler/projects/reductive/src/", line 112, characters 9-24:
Error: Syntax error: Labels are not allowed inside a tuple not expected.

But taking them away means the ~state argument in the call to make is somehow missing, and the compiler complains.

  119 ┆   : ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c) => {
  120 ┆ let state: 'lensed = get(state);
  121 ┆ let baseComponent = make(~state, ~dispatch, children);
  122 ┆ {
  123 ┆   ...baseComponent,

  The function applied to this argument has type
    ('action => unit, array(ReasonReact.reactElement)) =>
    ReasonReact.componentSpec('a, 'a, 'b, 'b, 'c)
This argument cannot be applied with label ~state

Thank you in advance for any suggestions you can offer.


Problem with parens:

Try it:

let lensedComponent =
          ~state: 'lensed,
          ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
        ) =>
        ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c),
      get: 'state => 'lensed,
      ~state: 'state,
      ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
      children: array(ReasonReact.reactElement),
    : ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c) => {
  let state: 'lensed = get(state);
  let baseComponent = make(~state, ~dispatch, children);
    ReasonReact.retainedProps: state,
          oldSelf: {retainedProps: oldState},
          newSelf: {retainedProps: newState},
        } as total,
      ) =>
      oldState === newState ?
        false : baseComponent.ReasonReact.shouldUpdate(total),


Sorry, even that doesn’t work.
It is necessary to add parens around the type hint of make, but refmt (that deletes them.

Example that works:

let func =
    (make: (~state: string, ~dispatch: string, array(string)) => string) => "";

If we click on Refmt (reformat) button, then refmt removes the parens and the error occurs.


I needed a bit more detail.

Version that works:

let func = (_make:((~state: string, ~dispatch: string, array(string)) => string)):string => "";

Version that refmt produces that breaks as soon as you edit it:

let func =
    (_make: (~state: string, ~dispatch: string, array(string)) => string)
    : string => "";


Line 2:14-27 File "", line 2, characters 13-27:
Error: Syntax error: Labels are not allowed inside a tuple not expected.

Less fragile version:

type make_type = (~state: string, ~dispatch: string, array(string)) => string;

let func = (_make: make_type):string => "";

or even

type make_type = (~state: string, ~dispatch: string, array(string)) => string;
let func: make_type => string = _make => "";

So based on that:

type makeType('lensed, 'action, 'a, 'b, 'c) =
    ~state: 'lensed,
    ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
  ) =>
  ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c);

let lensedComponent =
      make: makeType('lensed, 'action, 'a, 'b, 'c),
      get: 'state => 'lensed,
      ~state: 'state,
      ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
      children: array(ReasonReact.reactElement),
    : ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c) => {
  let state: 'lensed = get(state);
  let baseComponent = make(~state, ~dispatch, children);
    ReasonReact.retainedProps: state,
          oldSelf: {retainedProps: oldState},
          newSelf: {retainedProps: newState},
        } as total,
      ) =>
      oldState === newState ?
        false : baseComponent.ReasonReact.shouldUpdate(total),


type makeType('lensed, 'action, 'a, 'b, 'c) =
    ~state: 'lensed,
    ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
  ) =>
  ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c);

type lensedComponentType('state, 'lensed, 'action, 'a, 'b, 'c) =
    makeType('lensed, 'action, 'a, 'b, 'c),
    'state => 'lensed,
    ~state: 'state,
    ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
  ) =>
  ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c);

let lensedComponent: lensedComponentType('state, 'lensed, 'action, 'a, 'b, 'c) =
  (make, get, ~state, ~dispatch, children) => {
    let state: 'lensed = get(state);
    let baseComponent = make(~state, ~dispatch, children);
      ReasonReact.retainedProps: state,
            oldSelf: {retainedProps: oldState},
            newSelf: {retainedProps: newState},
          } as total,
        ) =>
        oldState === newState ?
          false : baseComponent.ReasonReact.shouldUpdate(total),


Thanks for the replies, you’re quite right about the parens issue. In parallel, Ricky Vetter filed a report in reason/issues/2271 and got a response that the issue is resolved in the latest versions. So that’s good news, but in the mean time I can’t run refmt.


refmt won’t break your code if you pull out the make function’s type into a type declaration as I demonstrated above.

type makeType('lensed, 'action, 'a, 'b, 'c) =
    ~state: 'lensed,
    ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
  ) =>
  ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c);

let lensedComponent =
      make: makeType('lensed, 'action, 'a, 'b, 'c),
      get: 'state => 'lensed,
      ~state: 'state,
      ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
      children: array(ReasonReact.reactElement),
    : ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c) => {
  /* ... */


So sorry, you’re right. When I read your post via email, I didn’t see the bottom half. Your suggestion works perfectly, thank you.