Is it just me or does refmt
have some real problems with handling JSX? Here’s an example of an auto-formatted JSX snippet:
<SidebarPanelO className="z-20 left-full" isExpanded>
{facets->Array.length > 0 ? <div className="p-4"> {facets->{label}) => {
<PillC className="w-auto mr-2 mb-3" closable=true> {label->React.string} </PillC>
})->React.array} </div> : <div
className="flex font-bold justify-center items-center text-center w-full h-16">
{React.string("No filters selected.")}
I think it’s almost unreadable, certainly not idiomatic JSX styling coming from the JS world.
Is my experience with formatting normal? Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve these results?