Reason react Javascript Object as Props



Im receiving user Identification props from firebase and passing it as props to my Reason component, the props look like so

user: {
  uid: "xxxx",
  email: "",
  displayName: "name XXX"

The problem is I can’t read properties of the user prop
Here’s my reason react component

type action =
  | Add
  | Minus;

let ste = ReasonReact.string;

type user = {. uid: string};

type account =
  | None
  | Accountprops(user);

[@bs.deriving abstract]
type jsProps = {
  user: account,
  loginFn: unit => unit,

let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("Cartcomponent");

let make = (~user, ~loginFn, _children) => {
  initialState: () => 0,
  reducer: (action, state) =>
    switch (action) {
    | Add => ReasonReact.Update(state + 1)
    | Minus => ReasonReact.Update(state - 1)
  render: self => {
    let countMsg = "Count: " ++ string_of_int(self.state);
      <p> (ReasonReact.string(countMsg)) </p>
      <MaterialUi_Button onClick=(_event => self.send(Add))>
        switch (user) {
        | None =>
          <MaterialUi_Button onClick=(_event => loginFn())>
            (ReasonReact.string("Sign In"))
        | Accountprops(response) =>
          <MaterialUi_Button onClick=(_event => Js.log(response))>
            (ReasonReact.string("Buy as"))

let default =
  ReasonReact.wrapReasonForJs(~component, jsProps =>
    make(~user=jsProps |. user, ~loginFn=jsProps |. loginFn, [||])

On clicking the button with the buy as label I get

response === undefined

This is how the component receives its props

<Cartcomponent user={safeUser} loginFn={this.handleLogin} />;

The user can either be an object or null

Looking for recommendations for current ReasonReact tutorials

You’re making a custom type that contains a None constructor, which I don’t think is what you want.
I think you probably want

type jsProps = {
  user: option(user),
  loginFn: unit => unit,


I see… What if I want to display the uid ,

        switch (user) {
        | None =>
          <MaterialUi_Button onClick=(_event => loginFn())>
            (ReasonReact.string("Sign In"))
        | Some(response) =>
          <MaterialUi_Button onClick=(_event => Js.log(response))>

doesnt work

neither does

   <MaterialUi_Button onClick=(_event => Js.log(response))>


nor this

<MaterialUi_Button onClick=(_event => Js.log(response))>


Where does response come from ?


Its just a name I gave the non null user object.
The user prop comes from a js file (firebase)


The only example Ive seen that resembles this use case is this one …

But it uses a string and not a Js Object