Reason Video Course Discussion


A thread for questions on Getting Started with Reason Egghead Course


In rtop, creating the switch apparently requires you going to the next line. Worth noting for rookies the next time. I’ve been avoiding rtop and had to try a few time like below.

Reason # let lamp = switch(1) {|0 => "off" |1 => "on"};

Reason # let lamp =
switch (1){| 0 => "off" | 1 => "on"};

Reason # let lamp =
 switch (1) {
| 0 => "off"
| 1 => "on"
Characters 12-51:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
let lamp: string = "on";
Reason #


I think the case here may be {| ... |} is the notation for multi-line strings. I suspect that if you put a space between { and |, e.g. switch { | 0 => "off" | 1 => "on" }, it may work.

@chenglou this has caught a number of people (including me) when first getting started, perhaps it’s a special case we can recognize (at least outside of rtop)?


Makes sense.


Thanks for the clarification @sgrove! :clap: