ReasonML in Iceland


If you search for “ReasonML” in Google Trends, far and away the top country is Iceland. While appreciating that search terms are not as accurate a gauge as topics, I assume this means that there is a company in Iceland that is using ReasonML in production. Does anyone know what company that is?


It’s probably because of Gangverk.

There was a talk about them at ReasonConf EU 2019:


It´s not only Gangverk but also WOW air (RIP) used to write stuff in Reason. I think Tetime games and Avo use Reason as well.


We are using ReasonML a lot at Avo. We are building developer tools and support Reason as a first class language, so if you are building something that involves product analytics in ReasonML (and also many other languages) consider giving Avo a try. :wink: