Routing in ReasonReact and What to Expect



@thangngoc89 graciously provided his routing example, and between his example and the docs, I am still left scratching my head and a bit frustrated as my own routing implementation is not compiling.

I wanted to use and get familiar with the Routing thats provided within ReasonReact, but I am wondering if I should just use bs-director or some bindings made for React Router. Have you had a better experience than I with routing in ReasonReact? Can you share your example?

Also, how should we expect the Router in ReasonReact to change? I have heard on discord something about context 2 ?

Much Thanks. <3


Here’s the entire implementation of ReasonReact router:

Start with ReasonReact router. It’s thinner than even bs-director. I’d advice just using it rather than skipping it and then trying to wrap it. The official docs are the source of truth; anything else good will be upstreamed hopefully.

We will try the context v2 API too, but as always, there will be an upgrade path.


The content of WithRouter module should be what you need to focus on. I built wrapper/abstraction because I want to be future proof.