😫 stumped why a type alias won't check in my tree data structure


Do I need (type a) somewhere?


Reason Playground


let parent = branch(children);


We've found a bug for you!
OCaml preview 23:21-28

This has type:
  int Tree.General.tree list
But somewhere wanted:
  'a Tree.General.children


The following recursive type definition implementing the Tree signature:

type tree('a) =
  | Leaf('a)
  | Branch(children('a))
and children('a) = list(tree('a));


Replacing type children('a) with list(tree('a)) compiles but I can’t implement a module Tree.Binary without it.

:cherries: pretty please enlighten me!


My suggestion when you’re just getting started is not to write down the signatures explicitly; many get it wrong. Remove it, hover over the module to see the actual inferred signature, then gradually remove what you wanted to hide


Removing the signature does fix it. Now I understand. The definition of children is opaque in Tree.Tree. I think I need a functor to pass in children type and a polymorphic variant to share tree type. Thank you @chenglou!!!


My solution if anyone cares to critique.