Tiny ReasonReact release



I just released a new version of RR. No change, just kills the deprecation warning you’d get from Js.Nullable.to_opt. Not worth a post anywhere. Enjoy!


What was Js.Nullable.to_opt replaced with? What’s the best practice now? I use it all the time :slight_smile:


If you use to_opt with the latest BuckleScript, you’ll get a warning:

  Warning number 3
  /Users/yawar/src/learning-tydd-reason/src/Ch05/Ch05_PatternMatchOrder.re 22:12-29
  20 │ };
  21 │ 
  22 │ let f(x) = Js.Nullable.to_opt(x);
  deprecated: Js.Nullable.to_opt Use toOption instead