Tokyo Meetup interest?


Are there are others in the Kanto region interested in a ReasonML meetup? I would be interested in a combination of talks (what I’m doing in Reason) and the ‘coding dojo’ style of groups working through a set challenge. I am eager to gauge interest.


I live in Tokyo and have been kicking around the idea as well.


I also based on Tokyo and if I can join such meetup, it woud be great.


Same here.
Haven’t used it in any project yet but definitely looking forward to.


I’m in Tokyo too. Our company recently started to use Reason. Would love to join a meetup! Our office could also host if after June. We have space for ~10 people.


It is promising that there is so much interest.

I spoke to Sean Grove while at Reason Conf, and he said he may be coming to Kanto (and Kansai) in June and would be interested in doing a repeat of his GitHub GraphQL API Reason coding dojo. I’ve also pinged Jorge Bucaran who runs the (currently infrequent) Tokyo.JS about doing something jointly in the “Introduction to Reason” realm which might be a good way to start things off.


Hey guys, this is short notice but anyone interested in joining the 5/27 ReasonDojo happening across Europe in Tokyo? I’m hosting at our office and we only need a couple people to make it happen! I made a Meetup group and event for it here:

You don’t need to have written Reason before to join! Some other notes from the meetup page: Since we’re 7 hours ahead it’ll be real late (10pm-1am) but if you need to leave early no problem, and if you can get home another way and can stick around that’d be great. I’ll be around until whenever we finish. Snacks and soft/energy drinks aplenty if that’s your thing!


I signed up. Not sure how I’ll get back home afterwards, but might be a good opportunity to try out the light on my bicycle haha


Awesome! Looking forward to it!