Type error with Functors


Hi, I am getting pretty weird type error in this playground

Or here’s the whole snippet

[@bs.config {jsx: 3}];

// I want to produce two or more versions of this component
module GenericComponent = {
  type header = {
    name: string,
    tooltip: option(string),
  type output =
    | Text(string)
    | Metric(string);

  module type Schema = {
    type item;
    let schema: array((header, item => output));

  module Make = (SomeSchema: Schema) => {
    open SomeSchema;
    let make = (~data: array(item)) => {
      // the actual implementation is not imporant here, let's say the data is displayed somehow
      {"text" |> React.string}

module Types = {
  type a = {
    key1: string,
    key2: int,

module Page1 = {
  module SchemaImpl: GenericComponent.Schema = {
    open GenericComponent;
    type item = Types.a;
    let schema: array((header, item => output)) = [|({name: "col1", tooltip: None}, row => Text(row.key1))|]
  module ComponentImpl = GenericComponent.Make(SchemaImpl);
  let mockedData: array(Types.a) = [|
    {key1: "val1", key2: 123},
    {key1: "val2", key2: 456},
  let make = () => {
    {"Sample Text" |> React.string}
    <ComponentImpl data=mockedData />

ReactDOMRe.renderToElementWithId(<Page1 />, "preview");

What I’m concerned about is this type error that I’m getting

The incompatible parts:

Which (if you take a look at the code), should be same types?
Is there some way to fix it?


Hi, see my answer here: https://forum.rescript-lang.org/t/how-to-fix-values-do-not-match-when-trying-to-use-type-from-module-functor-parameter/2254/4

In general, if you are using BuckleScript or ReScript, that is the best place to get help.