Using existing ocaml packages


Is there any preferred and clear way using a library written by plane OCaml published to opam?

The document of bucklescript might describes it.

But as mentioned in the issue below, the document doesn’t suggest a clear way.

My own question is Is there exist a way using OCaml library to build JavaScript code using it in some ReasonML project?


If you’re in the BuckleScript ecosystem and compiling to JavaScript, there’s no simple, recommended way to use OPAM ecosystem packages. You could download the package source and try to bootstrap a new BuckleScript project inside it, but then you need to deal with transitive dependencies and possible C code.

At least the first problem though is solved by using the js_of_ocaml compiler, since that is firmly in the OPAM ecosystem and can handle transitive OPAM dependencies.


Using js_of_ocaml like @yawaramin suggested is the best solution IMHO.

1 example I can think of is refmt. It’s compiled to JS with js_of_ocaml and then binded to bucklescript


Ah, I’d say understand, Big thanks!


You can certainly install opam and use opam packages using any build system you’d like (bsb-native, jbuilder).
If you’re interested in getting opam package with an nom-like workflow I’d recommend checking out esy, both bsb-native and jbuilder work with it.

EDIT: all of this is only for native development.