Variant type from abstract module signature gives a warning

module type EstablishmentType = {
  type profession;

  /* This works, but then it's not abstract. */
   type profession =
     | Teacher
     | Director;

  let getProfession: profession => string;

module School: EstablishmentType = {
    type profession = ... is marked with the following warning:

   "Warning 37: constructor Director is never used to build values.
   (However, this constructor appears in patterns.)"
  type profession =
    | Teacher
    | Director;

  let getProfession = person =>
    switch (person) {
    | Teacher => "A teacher"
    | Director => "A director"


That’s a valid warning. This code is not actually building any values of the type profession. If you add a build function (or make the type definition public) the warning should go away.


I understand.
