What is this Editor Suggestion/Hint


Coding in vs code I often get some suggestions that look like typing that arent proper code. Anyone know what this is? If not necessary, is there a way to turn it off? Check out the screenshot and you will notice an underscore or strings at the end of some lines. I went ahead and accepted all the suggestions for the purposes of this question. Below I put a -> before each line that shows what im talking about.

  let make = (~from: string, ~to_: string, ~props: Js.t({..}), children) => {
**->    initialState: () => {instance: ref(None), scrollAreaRef: ref(None)}_,**
    didMount: self => {
**->      initScroll(~from:, ~to_, ~props, self.state)"";**
    willReceiveProps: self => {
 **->     initScroll(~from, ~to_, ~props, self.state)"";**
**->    }_,**
    willUnmount: self => {
       switch self.state.instance^ {
        | Some(instance) =>
  **->        update(instance)"";**
**-> (instance)"";**
          self.state.instance := None;
        | None => ()


For the record, i’m pretty sure its suggesting something previously typed in this file like this. Note the empty string ""'s. If that is case, anyway to turn it off?:

module BasicScroll = {
  type t;
  [@bs.module "basicscroll"]
  external create :
      "elem": Dom.element,
      "from": string,
      "to": string,
      "props": Js.t({..}),
    } =>
    t =
  [@bs.send] external update : t => unit = "";
  [@bs.send] external start : t => unit = "";
  [@bs.send] external stop : t => unit = "";



Maybe related https://github.com/facebook/reason/issues/1890