Writing Bindings


Still have not got my head around a proper binding.

I want to write bindings for https://github.com/awslabs/aws-mobile-appsync-sdk-js to use it in Reason. Anyone feel like a pair programming session to grind it out together or teach me the proper way? It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Have you seen this post? Posting there and sharing what you have so far in code may get you more help. I am pretty new to writing bindings as well. Good luck!


I sure have not. Good looking out. Thank you @ben!


@idkjs I don’t use AWS AppSync but this should work

[@bs.module "aws-appsync"] [@bs.new]
external makeAWSAppSyncClient :
    "url": Js.Nullable.t(string),
    "region": Js.Nullable.t(string),
          "type": string,
          "apiKey": string,
  } =>
  'a =

let createAWSAppSyncClient = (~url=?, ~region=?, ~auth=?, ()) => {
  let appSyncClientOptions = {
    "url": Js.Nullable.fromOption(url),
    "region": Js.Nullable.fromOption(region),
    "auth": Js.Nullable.fromOption(auth),


I only checked that it logged the instance of the client in the console


@drejohnson you know where I’m going with this…reason-apollo. Anything that would stop this from working with that? I’m guessing we would just pass the created client to the ReasonApollo Provider. About to try.


Yep, passing client to ReasonApollo should do it


I dont think I have my syntax right here.

type config = {
  "graphqlEndpoint": string,
  "region": string,
  "authenticationType": string,
  "apiKey": string,

let config = {
  "graphqlEndpoint": "https://h25cvu6lonfilcrryg7xo5fjne.appsync-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/graphql",
  "region": "eu-west-1",
  "authenticationType": "API_KEY",
  "apiKey": "da2-2ajoq2qmsvgspdw6hljfdj2lb4",

Creating the client:

open AppSyncConfig;

let auth = {"type": config.authenticationType, "apiKey": config.apiKey};

let client =
    "url": config.graphqlEndpoint,
    "region": config.region,
    "auth": auth,

Seems like a basic misunderstanding on records here: Why is The record field authenticationType can't be found. when its clearly defined?


  /Users/prisc_000/code/APPSYNC/re-aws/src/aws/Client.re 4:28-45

  2 │ open AppSyncConfig;
  3 │
  4 │ let auth = {"type": config.authenticationType, "apiKey": config.apiKey}
  5 │
  6 │ let client =

  The record field authenticationType can't be found.

  If it's defined in another module or file, bring it into scope by:
  - Annotating it with said module name: let baby = {myModule.age: 3}
  - Or specifying its type: let baby: MyModule.person = {age: 3}

ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
>>>> Finish compiling(exit: 1)

The AppSync binding

/// AWS.re
module AppSync = {
  [@bs.module "aws-appsync"] [@bs.new]
  external makeAWSAppSyncClient :
      "url": Js.Nullable.t(string),
      "region": Js.Nullable.t(string),
            "type": string,
            "apiKey": string,
    } =>
    'a =
  let createAWSAppSyncClient = (~url=?, ~region=?, ~auth=?, ()) => {
    let appSyncClientOptions = {
      "url": Js.Nullable.fromOption(url),
      "region": Js.Nullable.fromOption(region),
      "auth": Js.Nullable.fromOption(auth),

AWS Appsync SDK Bindings

Because it’s an object not a record. Try config##authenticationType


Your instantiation of the client should look like this

let client =
      "type": config##authenticationType,
      "apiKey": config##apiKey,


Record/Objects still tripping me up. Thank you @drejohnson


Any ## and Js.t are deprecated in favor of bs.deriving abstract btw

Unexpected behavious when using `[@bs.deriving abstract]`

@chenglou do the docs reflect this yet?

So trying to apply bs.deriving abstract. This is what I have:

module AppSyncConfig = {
  [@bs.deriving abstract]
  type auth = {
    type_: string,
    apiKey: string,
  [@bs.deriving abstract]
  type t = {
    url: string,
    region: string,
  let make = t;

module AppSync = {
  [@bs.module "aws-appsync"] [@bs.new]
  external makeAWSAppSyncClient : AppSyncConfig.t => 'a = "AWSAppSyncClient";
  let createAWSAppSyncClient = (~url, ~region, ~auth, ()) => {
    let appSyncClientOptions = AppSyncConfig.t(~url, ~region, ~auth);

Then in Client.re

open AWS.AppSyncConfig;

let auth = auth(~type_="API_KEY", ~apiKey="da2-2ajoq2qmsvgspdw6hljfdj2lb4");

let config =

let client = AWS.AppSync.createAWSAppSyncClient(config, ());

The reason I the auth variable is that I cant figure out the syntax for passing directly like this:

~auth=auth(~type_="API_KEY", ~apiKey="da2-2ajoq2qmsvgspdw6hljfdj2lb4"),

How do we do that?
End Sidenote

At any rate, running the above produced the following error which I am not understanding what it means and how to fix it:

  We've found a bug for you!
  /Users/prisc_000/code/APPSYNC/re-aws-events-demo/src/AWS/Client.re 3:24-32

  1 │ open AWS.AppSyncConfig;
  2 │
  3 │ let auth = auth(~type_="API_KEY", ~apiKey="da2-2ajoq2qmsvgspdw6hljfdj2l
  4 │
  5 │ let config =

  The function applied to this argument has type
    AWS.AppSyncConfig.t => AWS.AppSyncConfig.auth
This argument cannot be applied with label ~type_

My understanding is that im defining auth as of type AppSyncConfig.auth which has the ~type_ and ~apiKey properties. So what does it mean that the argument can not be applied with label ~type_?

Thanks for the guidance?


How is this coming along? I am wondering if ~type_ is not a valid field. Maybe it needs to be [@bs.as "type"] type_: string,.


All set on this, @arecvlohe. Thanks. Questions about it?


I think I will be using AppSync in the future so if I do I will ping you!


Please do, happy to help. There are some in here: https://github.com/idkjs/IceCreamSearch


Hello idkjs

I used your bindings from IceCreamSearch and it seems to work.
The only thing is I need to pass a authorization header further down the chain (the graphql api makes a call to a rest API needing the JWT).

Do you have any idea how to pass this JWT from reasonreact through appsync?

Thanks for your work :slight_smile:


I have to think about it a sec. Do you have some code I could look at to get me going in the right direction?


Thanks for taking a look. I created a new post.